Gay bars west hollywood

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Here, you will find gay bars, restaurants, shops, and flags in just about any direction you look. West Hollywood is considered by many to be the gay capital of the USA, which is definitely seen throughout Santa Monica Boulevard. This means it has its own municipal government that is in charge of things like their their police force, roadways, and parking regulations! WeHo is actually its own municipality in the LA area, not a section of Hollywood. West Hollywood, or WeHo, is located Just east of Beverly Hills and West of Hollywood. Not only is it a great way to save money while flying, but I also get the wonderful opportunity to explore West Hollywood! The nightlife in Vancouver doesn’t hold a candle to the West Hollywood nightlife scene. Same timezone = no jet lag and a happy Bailey. Living just a couple hour flight north of Los Angeles, I usually try to book myself a connecting flight through LA. This article aims to teach you about some of the best gay bars in West Hollywood, and what makes them so darn fun! West Hollywood gay bars have earned themselves the reputation of being some of the hottest nightlife spots in the world.

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