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And my reputation would be made: I was a guy not to mess with. 180 days would go so quickly I'd be out by next christmas. This wasn't my first conviction, although it was my first time in jail.Īt first, I felt optimistic. A typical sentence, had I contested it, would have been 2-3 years in my state. I risked up to ten years (theorically) although my lawyer told me the most likely maximum would be five years. I was sentenced to 180 days in a county jail, after accepting a plea deal. What pissed me the most in that story is that the other guy only was charged with a misdemeanor he accepted a plea deal (after he was out of coma, obviously) and only got probation. I was arrested and charged with aggravated assault, a felony in my state. I accept what happened, but will never forgive the society for what happened next. I accept my part of responsibility: I was under adrenaline, I was stressed, a bit angry, and thought everything I would do was self-defense. He is the person who started the fight although I arguably used more force than necessary. I am a white male, straight, currently 33, and merely defended myself. In 2002 I was arrested for participating in a bar fight. This is obviously a throw-away account, my main Reddit account is in good standing. I believe ignorance is sometimes better than the truth. This is only the third time I tell this story even my parents aren't aware of it.

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