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I'm Alan Jones debt, Ilitch has invited me to host the interview show for a rational fear as my own show. A rationalįear contains naughty words like bricks, Canberra fan COMM And section 40 of our rational view recommended listening by immature audience. Recorded on the land of the direwolf people sovereignty was never said When did a treaty let's stop the show. This podcast is supported in part by the birth of foundation. If you enjoyed this please drop us a review on Apple podcasts: Heading into the election your support is going to be more crucial than ever! Our hope in 2022 is to grow our Patreon community 5x so we can make bigger and better content too. So thank you so much for supporting A Rational Fear - what we love doing is mixing comedy with the serious stuff because it makes everything better to digest. 🏆 WON THE BEST COMEDY PODCAST IN AUSTRALIA FOR THE 2ND TIME IN A ROW! 🎩 1 GIANT #JokeKeeper Billboard in Times Square New York City 🎩 6 #JokeKeeper Billoards around Australia 🎩 3 episodes of a brand new podcast Julia Zemiro Asks 'Who Cares?' 🎩33 Weekly A Rational Fear Streams & Podcasts

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It's been an extraordinary year for A Rational Fear. 🎟️ BUY TICKETS TO THE A RATIONAL FEAR OPERA HOUSE SHOW - JANUARY 29th HERE.ĭan Ilic is still on holidays so he asked his good friend Alan Jones (who was surprisingly available) to host the end of year wrap of all of our sponsors.

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