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'My crime, my most biggest crime, is that on another occasion I went in a second time, and that was deliberate. 'The situation was, funnily enough it was tractors I was looking at, so I did get into another website with sort of a very similar name and I watched it for a bit, which I shouldn't have done,' Mr Parish said. He said in an interview with BBC South West that he recognised the 'furore' and 'damage' he was causing his family and his constituency in Devon before deciding 'it just wasn't worth carrying on'. The married father-of-two had previously vowed to continue as the MP for Tiverton and Honiton after it was revealed he was the politician seen watching porn by two Conservative colleagues, but finally bowed to pressure to resign this afternoon. Mr Parish struggled to hold back tears as told how in a 'moment of madness' he then deliberately watched the x-rated video a second time while he was sitting waiting to vote on the side of the Commons chamber.

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